Community Residential Services: Community Living-Group Home

This service is individually designed to respond to the person’s needs and desires, as well as to reflect an appreciation of the individual’s unique personality. With the proper supports from staff, who are experienced, educated, and trained, each individual can be presented with the opportunity to live, work, socialize, and learn as valued members of the community. Support will focus on enhancing or developing skills related to activities of daily living, finance management, safety, and recreation, as well as community integration.

Community Integration focuses on developing healthy and meaningful relationships in the community setting. This will be achieved via consistent outings into the community to engage in activities the individual has chosen. Integrated activities are those in which the individual will be able to engage with others who are not in services and do not have a disability.

Community Living-Group Home

The program specializes in providing a wide array of individually designed services to people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Community Residential Services

People are assisted to develop living arrangements that meet their individual needs, desires, and have taken into consideration their preferences to develop connections that enable them to become valued members of their community. The program provides services to people with needs ranging from drop-in assistance to twenty-four-hour supervision, including but not limited to specialized nursing care.

Residential services are provided in a range of settings, including homes owned by the individual; apartments; and homes and townhomes leased by the agency. DGH, Inc. will provide residential supports to no more than three (3) individuals (Alternative Living Units – ALU’s) in a single dwelling. Individuals who have a documented medical need for twenty-four-hour nursing care will be supported in a medically complex home, which will be staffed by registered nurses (RN’s), licensed practical nurses (LPN’s) certified nursing assistants (CNA’s), and residential support aides.

Services include housing, transportation, individualized training, and assistance with household management, support with medical and financial needs, personal care, recreation, community integration, and coordination with multiple community resources. All services are individually designed to respond to the needs, desires, and preferences of the individual’s unique personality. Services provided include, but are not limited to:

  • Housing
  • Coordination
  • Training
  • Support and Supervision
  • Community Integration